Trade Debtors Ändra Datum
Aflac 779M 35M 2024-12
AIG 10.46B 733M 2024-12
Allstate 10.61B 427M 2024-12
Ameriprise Financial USD 14.5B 283M 2024-12
AON USD 3.8B 201M 2024-12
Arch Capital 7.85B 1.39B 2024-12
Arthur J. Gallagher USD 3.9B 92.9M 2024-12
Assurant 9.41B 7.6B 2024-09
Axis Capital 3.17B 236.09M 2024-12
Bank Of America 106.22B 10.41B 2024-09
Brown & Brown USD 3.54B 376M 2024-12
Chubb 14.43B 1.28B 2024-12
CNO Financial 788.7M 4B 2024-09
Everest Re 6.6B 366M 2024-12
Fidelity National Financial 443M 11.04B 2024-09
Globe Life USD 691.91M 40.04M 2024-12
JPMorgan 101.22B 21.34B 2024-12
Lincoln National 28.75B 483M 2024-12
LPL Financial USD 3.89B 502.92M 2024-12
Manulife Financial 112M 18M 2024-09
Markel USD 3.91B 318.44M 2024-09
Marsh & McLennan Companies USD 7.16B 266M 2024-12
MetLife 30.06B 2.99B 2024-12
Morgan Stanley USD 86.16B 5.22B 2024-12
NMI 78.45M 1.99M 2024-09
Orix JPY 5.58T 5.28T 2024-12
Primerica 405.27M 23.91M 2024-12
Principal Financial 4.33B 18.6M 2024-12
Progressive 14.37B 766.4M 2024-12
Prudential Financial 866M 387M 2024-12
Prudential Public USD 2.44B 1.28B 2024-06
Reinsurance Of America 3.9B 160M 2024-12
Sun Life Financial 355M 56M 2024-12
Travelers Companies 10.28B 989M 2024-12
Unum 1.46B 36.7M 2024-12
Voya Financial 13.43B 23M 2024-12
W.R. Berkley USD 7.43B 241.04M 2024-09
Willis Towers Watson USD 2.67B 291M 2024-12

Voya Financial Handelsfordringar - Aktuella värden, historiska data, prognoser, statistik, diagram och ekonomisk kalender - Mar 2025.